Lyckades få Helena på blå tåget (som hon har varit rädd för i evigheter) men den slutade fungera precis när vi åkt in genom dörrarna och vi blev tvugna att kliva av (videor på Vine!). Men hon va ju i vagnen i alla fall! En steg fram. Under dagen började det även från ingenstans ösregna så som det gör i Sverige på sommaren. Nåväl. Vi gick hem bytte om och sen var det dags för middag på Jimmy's Steakhouse. Jag åt ribs och åt nästan upp allt. Servitören var lite impad speciellt när jag beställde efterrätt. Hehe, sen var det bara hem och sova! Idag är lite ta hand om en själv dag och så ska Helena ha en liten födelsedags fest ikväll. Får se hur detta slutar eftersom jag ska jobba imorgon.
//Good morning. Yesterday was a day packed of exciting things. I got up at 06.00 to get to work which was at Hammarby Sjöstad and worked til 12.00. Since it was my sisters birthday it had to be celebrated! So after work I ran off to buy some slices of cake and put in theh fridge at home (Helena wasn't allowed to see.) before we continued to her first surprice. Me and Erlend dragged her to Gröna Lund (a funfair in Stockholm) for the day! I managed to make sure that instead of paying 430 kr like everyone else she only got to pay 280 kr. The rest of us had to pay normal price. So we were there all day.
Managed to get my sister on the "blue train" (it's a spooky ride for children which she has been afraid of forever) but just a the ride started and we got in through the doors the ride mailfunctioned and we had to get off (videos on Vine!). But we got her in the cart anyways! Progress. Also during the day we had typical Swedish summer weather. It went from sunny to rain and switched 3 times. Oh well. Then we went home, changed and went to dinner at Jimmy's steakhouse. I had ribs and almost finnished the whole plate. The waitor was slightly impressed especially when after i ordered dessert. Hehe, then it was time to go home and sleep! Today is a take care of yourself day and later Helena is having a small birthday get together. We'll see how this ends since I have to work tomorrow.
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